Microservices Architecture and its implementation using Spring Framework
Microservices - also known as the microservice architecture - is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services, which implement business capabilities. The goal of the microservice architecture is to accelerate software development by enabling continuous delivery/deployment.
Microservices Basics
Why Microservices?
Monolithic Architecture
Microservices Architecture
Microservices vs small services
Microservices vs SOA
Mciroservices vs Monolith
12 Factor App Principle
Spring Cloud Introduction
What are anti-patterns for Microservices
Fallacies of Distributed Computing
What is Single Responsibility Principle?
Partitioning System into Microservices Architecture
Deployment Patterns
Multiple Service Instances Per Host
Serverless deployment (AWS Lambda)
Service Instance per host
Service Deployment Platforms (Cloudfoundary, AWS EC2, Azure)
Communication Style
Event Driven Messages
Messaging (Async Publish Subscribe)
REST based communication
Circuit Breaker
Load Balancing
Ribbon - Client side load balancer
JWT OAuth2 Access Token
Microservices Tutorials
What is Spring Cloud? What are advantages of using Spring Cloud?
Developing Microservices using Spring Cloud and deployment on AWS
Inter Service Communication in Microservices - different mechanisms
Inter Service Communication with Spring Cloud Security in Microservices - different mechanisms
API Gateway Design Pattern
Ribbon - Client Side Load Balancer
Using Hystrix in Microservice communication
Design a Scalable GeoIPLocation service using microservices architecture
Design a OTP Microservice Using Spring Boot
Microservices Java Interview Questions
What are key principles of Microservices Architecture? How are they different from a Monolith and SOA application?
Small Services vs Microservices - what distinguished microservices from a small service?
How to do authentication at API Gateway Level?
How to protect OAuth2 clientId and clientSecret from a public client like Android App?
How will you implement throttling of requests for a given client at API Gateway Level?
What are four different grant types in OAuth2 password flow? Who is potential user for each one?
What is a RefreshToken and AccessToken?
How will you implement security for inter microservice communication using OAuth2?
Hint: use client_credentials grant type to issue accessToken
How will you move configuration for all microservices to a config server?
How will you make sure that not more than 10 password reset requests are made from a single client? Bucket4j
How JWT different from a normal session based security?
How long the duration should be for AccessToken and RefreshToken Validity?
How will you design a eCommerce website using Microservices architecture at a very high level?
How will you ensure that Android App does not burst network calls just to fetch the user sync data? How to club the multiple calls into single call?
How to use cryptography for serving secure content to end user?
How will you implement a Email Verification Microservice using Cryptography rather than a central database.
Synchronous vs Async Communication between microservices?
How to propagate security token from one microservice to another?
What is eventual consistency? How to implement it correctly? What about SQS?
How to implement 2 phase commit or distributed transactions in microservices?
How will you ensure zero downtime during deployment?
How often one should release Microservices to production?
Can two microservices share the same database?
How to communicate from one microservice to another?
Figure out number of microservices in a typical e-shop?
How to assign a random port to microservice on every run? Whats benefit?
Best Practices in Microservices Architecture
Good service doesn’t need information from another service, it already has it.
All you need is services with right boundaries. Right boundaries result in services being autonomous, loosely coupled and highly-cohesive.
avoid synchronous communication.
The only way good services communicate is via events. Good services are eventually-consistent as well, so there are no distributed transactions.
Always make GET/POST/PUT and DELETE operation idempotent because networks are brittle and replay of a certain network operation should not cause failure.
Testing microservices
Good Resources
Decode and validate your JWT https://jwt.io
Spring OAuth2 Official Tutorial
Pivotal Cloud Foundary UAA Server

ebook PDF - Cracking Spring Microservices Interviews for Java Developers
This ebook discusses 120 plus real problems and their solutions for Spring microservices architecture based on Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Cloud Native Applications. It covers core concepts of microservices architecture, various design patterns, interview questions & answers, security in microservices, testing strategies and best practices in distributed system design.
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