DevOps interview questions - Basic Concepts, Microservices, Databases, AWS

Upasana | December 02, 2019 | 3 min read | 58 views

Set of interview questions important from devOps point of view. Covers basic networking concepts, database setup and management, microservices concepts, aws concepts, familiarity with monitoring tools.

Basic Concepts

  1. What is VPC

  2. What is reverse and forward proxy server

  3. What is VPN, how to setup vpn

  4. How to setup password less SSH

  5. How to setup vpc peering

  6. What is SSH tunnel, how to setup one

  7. How to restrict development environment for a website to company employees only

  8. What is CI/CD and how to setup CI/CD for a microservice.

  9. SSL certificates, LetsEncrypt

  10. DNS concepts - Route 53, AAA record, TXT record, MX record

  11. What is an API Gateway

  12. Infrastructure as code

  13. How to secure secrets for any production environment? Different patterns for the same?


  1. How to setup cluster of Cassandra

  2. How to setup replication for mysql database

  3. How to setup mongodb cluster

  4. How to take db backup for mysql. Incremental and absolute

  5. how to take db backup for Cassandra. Incremental and absolute

  6. How to take db backup for mongodb. Incremental and absolute

  7. How to setup Kafka

Microservices specific

  1. What is microservices architecture? What kind of complexity microservices brings from DevOps perspective.

  2. How to monitor microservices logs? What kind of tooling is available for application logging & monitoring

  3. What is centralized logging?

  4. What is containerization? Basic concepts of Docker and Kubernetes?

AWS Specific

  1. What are different AWS services you are aware of.

  2. CodeDeploy

  3. EC2 instances

  4. How to create a jenkins slave on the fly using aws spot instances and discard it once job is done.

  5. How to launch an EC2 machine on the fly using lambda

  6. How to configure auto-scaling for EC2 instances?

  7. How to setup a microservice in production using auto-scaling?

  8. What is ECS? What is difference between EC2 based and fargate approach for ECS?

  9. How to setup a code deploy pipeline using Jenkins/Bitbucket and AWS

  10. How to monitor cloudwatch alarms using lambda triggers?

  11. How to write a simple AWS lambda function using python/nodejs?

  12. API Gateway - how to setup CORS headers? How to monitor API gateway? proxy requests? how to expose a lambda function through API Gateway?

  13. Cloudformation concepts

  14. SQS and S3, glacier

  15. What is cloudfront, how to host static website/angular app using cloudfront

  16. DynamoDB

Tools introduction

  1. How to monitor machines? Nagious, promethous

  2. How to monitor application logs?

  3. Jenkins - pipelines, secret key management, dependent jobs, etc.

  4. What is ELK and how to setup ELK?

  5. Graylog

  6. API Umbrella - API Gateway concepts

  7. Slack integration for various applications

Production monitoring

  1. How to monitor production environment? What are tools available for the same?

  2. How to use cloudwatch alerts to trigger email/SMS custom integration for a production incidence?

  3. How to implement health check for a service


  1. How to handle security - OWSAP familiarity

  2. How to limit access of certain environments to specific group of people

  3. How to manage production secrets


  1. Introduction to Ansible scripts

Problem statement

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