Misc IT & Integration
Misc IT integration topics - Payment Gateways, SMS gateways, Email Servers, Hosting Solutions etc.
about misc it topics
Payment Gateway Integration in Java
CCAvenue Integration
Web Integration
Mobile Integration Kit
How to confirm order and fetch payment using REST Call from CCAvenue Gateway
How to install callback hooks so that you do not loose any payment information due to spikes in server
Best Practices and things to avoid
PayUMoney Integration
Why PayUmoney Payment Gateway
Mobile Integration kit
Payment web hooks for server to server communication incase user presses refresh or back button
Best Practices and things to avoid
Known Problems with PayUMoney
Paypal Integration
Paypal SDK Integration
Best Practices
How to register with Paypal
SMS Gateway Integration
2Factor Integartion
Sending a Transnational SMS
Sending Promotional SMS
Scheduling a SMS using API
Fetch status of SMS Delivery
Email Server Integration
Zoho Integration
Sending Email from Java Program
Handling Failures Gracefully
Unblocking the email account
Using MandrillApi for Java
Sending Email using MandrilApi from a Java Program
Sendgrid Email Integration
Sendgrid SMTP integration
Free SSL Integration
Why SSL?
Lets Encrypt Integration
Integrating SSL into your app.
Scheduling Certificate Refresh using CronJob
Getting Certificates for multiple Sub Domains
Other Topics

ebook PDF - Cracking Spring Microservices Interviews for Java Developers
This ebook discusses 120 plus real problems and their solutions for Spring microservices architecture based on Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Cloud Native Applications. It covers core concepts of microservices architecture, various design patterns, interview questions & answers, security in microservices, testing strategies and best practices in distributed system design.
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