Mobile Programming

Android and iOS/Swift Programming Tutorials, Interview questions and recipes.

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Android Tutorials

  • Android Best Practices

  • Important Tools and Libraries for developing Android Applications

  • Creating a Recycler View with Server paginated results.

  • Configure Retrofit for Basic Auth

  • Basic Auth Login Module in Android

  • Android Login Module with Server Side Java

  • OAuth2 Authentication with retrofit and Spring Boot

  • Handling OAuth2 Refresh Token in Retrofit & Android

  • Showing a Fragment in Android while waiting for network response

  • Using Sqlite in Android

  • Using Offline Queue in Andorid

  • FCM Intergration with Android

  • Integrating CCAvenue Payment Gateway with Andorid

  • Integrating PayUMoney with Android

  • FCM Integration in Android

  • Integrating Google Authentication in Android Application

Interview Questions for Android Programmer

  • How will you handle network response when activity is switched to background?

  • What is Async Task?

  • What is difference between Volley, Retrofit and AsyncTask?

  • What is right way to show Splash Screen in Android App?

  • How will you deliver new version to your end users?

  • How does the Android notification system work?

  • How can two distinct Android apps interact?

  • What are the four states of the Activity Lifecycle?

  • What is the difference between a fragment and an activity? Why do we need a Fragment?

  • How can activity and Fragment interact with each other?

  • What is the difference between Serializable and Parcelable? Which is the best approach in Android?

  • What is an Implicit Intent?

  • What is an Explicit Intent?

  • What is ANR? When does it happen? How to prevent it?

  • Describe how broadcasts and intents work to be able to pass messages around your app?

  • What is the difference between Service and IntentService? How is each used?

  • What is the relationship between the life cycle of an AsyncTask and an Activity? What problems can this result in? How can these problems be avoided?

  • How would you preserve Activity state during a screen rotation?

  • How will you call a OAuth2 secured REST endpoint from Android Application?

  • How to Interact with other Apps and services?

  • What is Deep Link? How to handle deep link in Android Application? How will you open a link clicked in email using your App?

  • How to allow other Apps to start your Activity?

  • How to get results from an Activity?

Best Practices

  • Add randomness (jitter) to any network requests that trigger as a result of a repeating alarm

  • Making REST operations Idempotent by adding GUID, Okhhtp client in Retrofit can retry a failed operation multiple times, so our backend shall be ready for this.

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